Sunday, March 25, 2012


Interesting article about Rotterdam, Netherlands in The Atlantic:

Be sure to read my most recent movie reviews of "The Grey" and "Son of No One", found below.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Movie Review-The Grey: All Wolves are Grey in the Dark

With your humble correspondent firmly rooted in upstate New York for the time being (more vacation time can't come soon enough...I'm feeling the itch to go exploring our world yet again), we are going to have to just get by on cinema. Last night I took in Liam Neeson's latest job, "The Grey".

I'm pretty sure this movie's trailer got a lot of air time, so many of you may know the premise: Our man Liam,  portraying a pretty depressed-looking hunter, working for an oil company in Alaska defending pipe workers from wolves, survives a plane crash with a handful of others east or nowhere, and find themselves in a life-or-death battle with a large pack of man-eating wolves. 

That is how the trailer portrayed it at least. That is really all that far off, but if you come hoping for an action-packed thriller with Neeson battling angry wolves with any kind of weapon at his disposal, you are going to be pretty disappointed. Sure there is some action, but it is usually pretty quick, with jerky camera motion, ensuring that the moment passes in a pretty quick blur. No, this movie ends up playing out more like a drama, but that wasn't a bad thing. 

Despite the lack of anticipated action, its still a good story, and the directors/writers obviously made an attempt at making this movie more than just about killing wildlife, and included a number of thematic elements, at least by my count. Sure you have the whole man against nature, man against man bit, but death is another biggie. I especially liked a few scenes where Liam philosophizes about what it is like to push off to the other side of the dark waters. He was the only name of note, I didn't recognize any one else, but the acting is solid, and I actually thought Liam was perfect for this role. He actually plays an Irishman, so he was a fit right from the beginning. I thought some of the lines were a bit cliched, and they probably could have done a better job with the wolves, which were a painfully obvious CGI, but overall I thought it came off quite well. 

I feel like the whole "stranded in desolate place, how will we overcome all these adversities?!" type movies have pretty much run their course, but "The Grey" has a different feel to it, and the decent writing/acting, save a view cliched moments, make it worth a shout. I am happy to see Neeson return to the mainstream as well. He has always been one of my favorite actors, but after two near carbon copy movies ("Taken" and "Unknown") and a couple of straight-to-DVDs (yeah, that's rock-bottom right there) I feared his career may have jumped the shark. But he showed up and put in a good shift in "The Grey" and hopefully we can see him giving similar performances in the future. 

Verdict: I'll say see it. Grade: B+

If you liked this movie you might also like: the bitter cold, maybe? If I ever find myself in the type of environment shown in this movie, I'll gladly serve myself up to the wolves. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Movie Review- Son of No One: Son of a Bitch

Bad news everybody: the economy has gotten so bad, even Al Pacino is struggling to find a job. At least, so it would seem. His participation in "Son of No One" can only be viewed as an act of desperation.

I take it that many have not heard of this one. I remember seeing a trailer for it, but didn't hear much of it afterwards, and assumed it was a limited release film. Looking through the movies on my computer, I came across it, forgetting I had, ahem, acquired it some time ago. Unfortunately, it had all the qualities of a straight-to-DVD flick.

SoNO, as I will call it, boasted several famous names besides Mr. Pacino, including Ray Liotta, Katie Holmes, Channing Tatum, and even Tracy Morgan. I say even before Morgan's name because this movie is supposed to be a hard-boiled cop drama, not something you usually associate with Tracy. Anyway, the director, someone I have never heard of and won't bother to give any air time to, took what appears to be a semi-decent cast (well, Pacino and Liotta at least, jury is still out on Tatum, while Katie Holmes just gets by on being Tom Cruise's wife) and just totally bottled it. The premise is decent enough, a young cop (Tatum) trying to establish a life for himself sees his checkered past come back to haunt him. Unfortunately this story line is poorly portrayed, and ends up just becoming confusing, like parts were cut out from the script but were never compensated for, leaving massive plot holes. Some elements were left completely unexplained, such that the movie really didn't make any sense.

The acting in SoNO is rigid at best. Pacino doesn't really play all that large a role in the film, and he came off alright in his few scenes. Everyone else just plodded through their lines, even Liotta, who I like. The ending was what really killed me though. It was comically bad, with terrible acting accompanied by laughable lines, combined with horrible choreography and just a generally poor progression of events. Unfortunately Pacino was involved in those last few moments, sullying his good name.

The only thing I can say for SoNO was that its sound track was not bad. Some of the music chosen for it was pretty neat, and went along well with the scenes, even if the scenes themselves were crap.

Verdict: Don't bother. Grade: D-

If you liked this movie you might also like: just run down to blockbuster and pick out some random straight-to-DVD and let it take you were it may. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Brisbane photos

And the last of the Australia photos have finally been uploaded to Photobucket, sorry for the wait:

Remember, three trips are located up on Photobucket at the moment. South Africa, Thailand, and Australia.

Please take a look, and if you don't mind, leave some comments!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Great Links

The folks at BBC Travel really out-did themselves this Sunday.

First, a slideshow of the world's coolest staircases:

And this one, which I think the Four Corners could get some tips from:

Quiet weekend here, spent some time with my old friend Nick, home on Spring Break. Weather was too nice to see any movies as well, but keep an eye out, I should be posting some things soon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mexico City

Interesting article from the good folks at BBC Travel:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Movie Review: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Well, its been a while since I've done one of these. With all the traveling taking up my time, movie reviews (and just movies in general) have fallen by the way side. No worries though, with a chunk of time between now and my next adventure (Russia? Ireland? I'm still debating.....) other modes of entertainment are in the running to fill the doldrums of Whitesboro....

Well, this movie, which I am just going to call "Dragon", was actually started while I was waiting in the Chicago airport on my way Down Under. Its a bit difficult to watch in a crowded area, what with some of the brutality on display (a rape scene? Yep, hopefully the little kid sitting next to me in the waiting area didn't see that bit), and its super long (nearly touching 3 hours), so I ended up watching in installments, and just finished the remainder last night.

I was pretty stoked by Dragon when it came out. Its directed by David Fincher, who did an awesome job with "The Social Network", and it has some favorite actors of mine, namely Stellan Skarsgard (massively under-rated) and Daniel Craig. Combined with the fact that its based on the first book in the fantastic "Millennium" series, things looked promising.

When all was said and done though, I can't say that "Dragon" really set my world on fire. I've never really done well with movies based on books I've already read (read: Lincoln Lawyer), and though I hoped this would be different, I was disappointed. The fact that I already knew the outcome and what the progression of events was going to be, its long running time eventually became a drag. It follows nearly verbatim with the story-line in the book, and the changes are superficial at best. No twists or new elements were injected into the story, making it all a bit redundant. I think the lesson to be learned here is that mysteries just don't translate from book to movie. If you know the outcome of the mystery already...then it isn't really a mystery, is it? I suppose it is asking a bit much for the director to do something dynamic with a story like this, particularly when it comes from such a famous book, but again you have to do something to justify the nearly 3 hours used watching.

The acting is decent enough, but nothing really to write home about. Rooney Mara does do a good job as the title character, but was it really Oscar-nomination worthy? That I don't know about. I will say though that my favorite scene comes towards the end, courtesy of Stellan Skarsgard. I won't give away any plot details, for those who have yet to read the book or see this movie (if such a person exists), but there is one particular moment when Skarsgard really takes the controls and shows what he's made of.

Just so there is no misunderstanding, there really isn't anything wrong with this movie. If you haven't read the book, you will probably find it to be quite good, though it is a bit confusing and hard to follow at times. This of course didn't bother me any, since I already knew how things would end. For me personally, however, I needed a little something extra, and unfortunately Mr. Fincher didn't offer it up. I have it on good word that the Swedish version is much better (that is another thing, actually. Having the whole movie in English when it really should be in another language sticks in my craw a bit). Perhaps that is worth a look.

Verdict: If you haven't read the book, its probably worth a shot. Though you really should read the book. Grade: B

If you liked this movie you might also like: Ummm, er....girls with tattoos?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Melbourne Photos

All Melbourne photos have been posted, check 'em out here:

By the way, this is my 200th post (sound of champagne cork). Cheers.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sydney Photos

All Sydney photos are up, check em out here:

Working on Melbourne now. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Salon Article

Been a busy past couple of days, all while trying to overcome massive jet-lag. Anyway, just to show I am still alive, an interesting article on, about one of my planned 2012 travel destinations, India.