Sunday, June 5, 2011

Movie Review-The Hangover Part II: Deja Vu

If it ain't broke, why fix it? The first "Hangover" film made loads of money, so, why don't we just change the setting, tweak the storyline just a tiny amount, and call it "Part II"? I imagine this is what the the people behind this film had in mind while making it. The premise and progression of the storyline are almost exactly like the first installment. The gang is together a couple days before one of their weddings. Go out for a drink. Wake up the next day in some random location having no recollection of what happened the night before. One of them is missing. Shit, what do we do now.........?

But it is still freakin' hilarious. I didn't really care that the story became predictable, or that almost all he plot elements from the first film featured in this one, you see a comedy to laugh, and laugh I, and the rest of the audience, did. Zach Galifinakis' insane character, Alan, is still a hoot, Bradley Cooper still holds his own as Phil and Ed Helms, of "The Office" fame, is indispensable as the neurotic, soon-be-married-to-an-incredibly-good-looking-Thai-girl Stu. The disaster-filled voyage to find out just what the hell happened the night before, and all the raunchy humor that follows, didn't get old, at least for me, the second time around.

Verdict: See it, its still a real riot. Don't bother seeing it in theaters though, $9.25 is too high for ANY movie.
Grade: A-

If you liked this movie you might also like: I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest the first "Hangover".  

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