Saturday, March 19, 2011

Movie Review: The Lincoln Lawyer: Jury is in on this one

For my last night in West Lafayette, Jiayi and I decided to take in a movie. I am a big fan of the author Michael Connelly, and his book "The Lincoln Lawyer" is one of my favorites, so we went with Matthew Mcconaughey's new flick based on that novel.

Tough one to review here. I sort of liked it, but not really all that much. I think the fact that I had read the book beforehand really ruined much of it, it became so predictable for me that there was absolutely no intrigue or guesswork or anything of interest whatsoever. The acting? Well, this one isn't "The King's Speech" I can say that much. Marissa Tomei, Ryan Phillipe, and William H. Macy rounded out the big names in the cast, but I don't think they were given very good lines, and Ryan Phillipe has no business being in a movie. I definitely like Mcconaughey much more in his "concerned lawyer" role than his "pathetic loser boyfriend" role.

What did I like about it? There were a couple of decent lines/moments in the film, and it has been a couple of years since I have read the book, so some of it I didn't remember, though I still knew the bulk of the story. This was also an instance where the trailer made the movie look so much better than the whole thing. I am sure this is a common occurrence, but it especially true in this case. 

Jiayi didn't care for it, she said it was a totally unrealistic story. That may be, but the book is still pretty damn good. She is a tough critic though.

If you have not read the book, well, you should, but you may find this movie a bit more interesting/suspenseful. Knowing almost the entire story line pretty much just ruined it for me. This isn't the first time I have seen a movie after reading the book, but for some reason it really took the spice out of the movie this time.

Verdict: Read the book. Don't bother spending the money on a theater ticket, make "The Lincoln Lawyer" a rent or a download (you didn't hear the "download" part here) Grade: C

If you liked this movie you might also like: For "concerned lawyer" Matthew, look no further than "A Time to Kill"! If you like "loser boyfriend" Matthew, just kill yourself.  

Also: We are waiting for my shuttle back to Indianapolis Airport. From there I begin my journey to Buenos Aires. I will report later from south of the border. Cheers.

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