Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Movie Review- Unstoppable: Train Porn

Director Tony Scott and Denzel Washington teamed up once again is this flick that will make train fanatics finally come out of the closet and say "Hey, look, trains can be cool"!!! Will the masters of mediocrity (Deja Vu, I mean, seriously, what WAS that shit?) make us roll our eyes again? Well, I doubt the Academy is going to think much of it, but Unstoppable is a pretty decent film.

I wasn't so sure about a movie where the antagonist is a large freight train that has lost control, but Unstoppable does enough to keep the viewer interested, as the story turns out to be pretty intense. The acting wasn't out of this world or anything, but I don't think this movie is seeking any awards. The story gets rolling (pun intended) right from the outset, and never stops. With a movie like this, you pretty much know the ending, but it kept both my and Jiayi's attention throughout. It even got intense enough to the point where Jiayi was grabbing on to me in anticipation. There are some pretty cliched lines in there that make one roll their eyes (damn, there it is....still got some work to do Tony and Denzel) but, again, this movie wasn't really going for strong dialogue. Apparently it is also based upon a true story, so you know that the storyline isn't absolutely ridiculous.

I live with a train fan (sorry Dad, I'm outing you here) so I actually hoped that this movie would be good. I wanted some vindication for his hobby. I thought it would be nice to find out that normal people can derive pleasure from trains too. I wasn't disappointed. This movie isn't great, but for just a fun, exciting flick to pass the time, Unstoppable was up to the challenge.

Verdict: Give it a look if you are in for something exciting. Grade: B

If you liked this movie you might like: Asking the conductor to blow the horn, waving to the engineer as the train passes by, and not having any friends (just kidding train fans, just kidding). And no, this movie isn't like that stupid Steven Seagal movie Under Siege 2.

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